Israel's Sailing Beach Cleanup!

Thanks to our friends!

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Inspiration Cove

Welcome to our nomadic solar-powered,
glamporous Glamping is camping plus glamor, or glamorous camping.
, 100% green camp on the coast: a seasonal base for Israel’s courageous eco-navy, where our sailboat fleet lays (when not in use), and our crews find healing and R&R (when not busy saving the Holy Land’s threatened marine ecosystems).

How It Works

Together, we make a difference.

Feeling generous
with Ye Bounty, Matee?

We've reached $16,236.00 of a $250,000 goal!
Please lend a hand if you can!

Your Donation

Sailing the Holy Land's Coast, up-close and purposeful.

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All Aboard!

We’re sailing, glamping, and cleaning beaches from May through September. It is $70 USD suggested donation – or 10 garbage bags full of trash – per person, per day. All funds go to our continued operation.

Included is sailing, a place to chill and sleep, water, bonfires and music (when happening), and current classes – eg. yoga, Jewish meditation, seamanship 101, ecology and halacha, etc. (when happening). Healthy vegan food (kosher) and drinks are sold separately. Our capacity is limited, so please check with us here for availability! 

We look forward to meeting you!!
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"Zevulun Tribe is, in its own, unique, fun-loving way, giving life and vitality to the Jewish world – and Israel's ecology. Their bold approach transforms lives and coastlines with joy and purpose."
Moshe & Kohava

Avast Ye Scalawags!
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Ours is the namesake of the seafaring tribe of ancient Israel, the tribe of Zevulun. As they would plow the oceans in search of riches, so do we, searching for riches of the soul. These, we know, we can find only through living a life in harmony with ourselves and the universe, in health and healing.

We invite you to join us on our oceanic adventure, as we explore wisdom and life, restoring and reinvigorating ourselves, hand-in-hand with our world’s suffering ecology.

The Crew

Capt’n Shemminy Beckin’s

Founder, CEO

Shoshana “Boat-Yogi” Beck

Founder, CFO, Yogi-On-Call

Shlomo “Gold-Soul” Goodfriend

Founder, Chief Operations Officer

Moshe “Reggae-On” Rosenbaum

Tribe Photo/Videographer

Rabbi “Shine-Heart” Stadlin

Educational Navigator

Eddie “Ready” Williams

A really cool, helpful guy


Contact us if you’ve got some skillz you’d like to contribute! We’d love to hear from you!